Blog Post

Recumbent Bikes: Ideal Equipment for Older Members

  • By Dimond Fitness Equipment
  • 04 Jan, 2019

Recumbent bikes are an excellent tool to have on hand.  Here's what to look for.

It’s no secret that we are in the midst of a significant increase in the elderly fitness population.   According to the Administration on Aging’s “2017 Profile of Older Americans,” 15.2% of the American population is age 65 or over—about 49.2 million people.  It’s likely that you’ll be working with an elderly client at your gym, or at least have members that fall in this age range.

Generally speaking, common training needs that need to be addressed include balance, mobility, and joint pain.  Exercise equipment needs to cover a wide range of training needs: weight loss, cardiovascular endurance, and rehab.   It should also be low impact and relatively easy to use.  Luckily, a recumbent bike can cover all of these requirements.

There are a few key elements to look for in a recumbent bike.   Make sure the seat is adjustable and has plenty of cushioning, which will help alleviate any low back stress that an upright bike may cause.  Next, make sure that the bike has the ability to accommodate a step-through motion to get seated.  In the picture above, you can see that you can step directly through to the other side of the bike when getting seated, rather than having to swing a leg over any pedals.  Finally, make sure there are adjustable straps on the pedals to prevent any foot slippage.  As always, confirm that the bike is commercial grade rather than residential grade for durability.

If you have any questions, be sure to comment below! If you prefer, you can also send an email to


Administration on Aging, and Administration for Community Living. “Profile of Older Americans.” Home Page | ACL Administration for Community Living, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, 30 Apr. 2018,

By Dimond Fitness Equipment November 29, 2018

This article aims to highlight the pros and cons of having plastic shrouding on selectorized strength machines and cardio machines. This is a feature that is rarely examined or talked about; however, being thoughtful about purchasing machines with plastic can save you hundreds of dollars in the future.

Selectorized strength and cardio machines tend to have a plastic shrouding somewhere on their frame. You can see examples in the picture above, or on our website ( ). The plastic typically goes around the weight stack, and often has the logo or name of the manufacturer on it.   There are usually instructions pasted or printed on the plastic—these instructions are very beneficial to new exercises or elderly members who don’t know how to use a machine. Another advantage to the plastic shrouding is that it helps unite multiple machines together for a certain “look”—your gym can have a more professional feel if you get multiple machines from the same manufacturer and line.


However, plastic shrouding can bring on unexpected headaches for gym owners and facility managers. The plastic can be broken during moving and installation if it’s not handled with extra care. Once it’s in the gym, try to keep these machines away from any areas where there are stacks of weight plates, dumbbells, or dynamic movements, as those all increase the risk of the plastic being broken. If it does break, the plastic shrouding will either be a tedious process that’s expensive, or a frustratingly simple one if the manufacturer doesn’t offer plastic replacement.


Even though it’s a small detail, we recommend adding plastic parts and shrouding to your mental checklist when searching for equipment. It can add to your facility’s overall theme, but a big investment may set you up for unexpected issues later.




·    What are the pros and cons of selectorized vs plate loaded machines for your facility and your specific clientele?

·    Does the manufacturer of the machine you’re considering offer replacement plastic parts and/or shrouding?


If you have any questions or comments, let us know below or email us directly at Thanks for reading!

By Dimond Fitness Equipment November 2, 2018
A permanent solution for the constant upkeep of drywall.
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